Kamis, 21 Mei 2009

Cementing Services

As new technologies and techniques become routine, operators are demanding new approaches to well cementing. Deepwater exploration, stringent environmental regulations and dozens of other factors drive the need to examine cementing in new ways.BJ Services Company, one of the leading cementing service companies in the business, addresses these concerns through its many locations worldwide.BJ Services continues to develop innovative cementing solutions by reassessing virtually every area of the cementing process. This includes looking for ways to ensure a cement design is optimized for each particular well, and that each job design is executed as accurately as possible.

This section highlights some of our newer developments, as well as selected BJ products and services which continue to provide standard-setting performance. Examples include our versatile Liquid Stone® pre-mixed storable slurries, our specialized DeepsetTM slurries for controlling shallow water flow, and the precision Automated Foam Cementing System.

BJ's specialized approach and dedication to achieving precision cementing produces innovative equipment, products and techniques that is backed by reliable service in the field.

Cementing Services

As new technologies and techniques become routine, operators are demanding new approaches to well cementing. Deepwater exploration, stringent environmental regulations and dozens of other factors drive the need to examine cementing in new ways.BJ Services Company, one of the leading cementing service companies in the business, addresses these concerns through its many locations worldwide.BJ Services continues to develop innovative cementing solutions by reassessing virtually every area of the cementing process. This includes looking for ways to ensure a cement design is optimized for each particular well, and that each job design is executed as accurately as possible.
This section highlights some of our newer developments, as well as selected BJ products and services which continue to provide standard-setting performance. Examples include our versatile Liquid Stone® pre-mixed storable slurries, our specialized DeepsetTM slurries for controlling shallow water flow, and the precision Automated Foam Cementing System.
BJ's specialized approach and dedication to achieving precision cementing produces innovative equipment, products and techniques that is backed by reliable service in the field.

Drilling & Completions

What Is Drilling and Completions?
Drilling used to be strictly hit or miss. Operators hammered cable tools into the earth hoping to find oil or gas. But the development of more sophisticated tools has enabled drillers to probe to greater depths and with more success in less time. These tools have become critical as the search for oil and gas extends into deeper waters and more remote terrain.
Until the 1970s, rotary drilling was effective in plumbing the depths of vertical wells, but it couldn't reach horizontally. The development of horizontal drilling has extended the reach and increased production. More recently, directional and extended-reach drilling have allowed operators to access reservoirs far from the drilling location.
Completions technology also has evolved, securing wells in less time and with greater protection. Cased-hole completion involves making small holes in the well casing and formation so that the oil or gas can flow effectively from the rock into the production tubing. In open-hole completions, sand screens and gravel packs are inserted into the reservoir to stabilize the open hole and maintain the flow of oil from the reservoir into the well bore; they also control the migration of sand, which might otherwise cause washouts and other problems. Next, acids and fracturing fluids can be pumped into the well under high pressure to fracture, clean and stimulate the rock to produce oil or gas. Finally, production tubing is added to provide an efficient path to the surface.
What Chevron Is Doing
Chevron's long-term exploration strategy — blending disciplined, data-driven decision making with superior technical competency — is paying off. For each of the past seven years, we have added an average of 1 billion barrels of oil-equivalent per year to our resource base through our exploration program.
Angola – The Benguela Belize–Lobito Tomboco production platform stands 1,680 feet (500 m) high and is one of the tallest structures in the world. It is the first compliant tower installed outside the Gulf of Mexico. The platform's state-of-the-art rig can drill wells in excess of 30,000 feet (9,144 m).
Kazakhstan – Tengizchevroil's Sour Gas Injection/Second Generation Plant uses a unique combination of conventional and newly developed sour gas injection technology to process crude with a very high sour gas–to-oil ratio. This project may pave the way to applying the technology more broadly within the Tengiz reservoir, with the potential to increase recoverable reserves.
Nigeria – The Agbami deepwater project uses a floating production, storage and offloading vessel to produce oil in 4,800 feet (1,463 m) of water. The project's subsea wells, completed using intelligent well technology, are some of the most complex completions in the world.
Gulf of Mexico, United States – Our Tahiti project will produce oil from wells 4,100 feet (1,250 m) underwater that extend vertically more than 4 miles (6.5 km) below the sea floor. Producing oil profitably through the immense pressure at this depth is a complex project.
Investing in New Finds
As of 2008, Chevron was one of the world's most active offshore operators. Key exploration areas are the Gulf of Mexico, the deep waters off western Africa, the Gulf of Thailand and offshore northwest Australia.
Our technology and expertise enable us to drill successfully, especially in deep water. And technology allows us to reduce our drilling time, yielding significant savings.
Setting a New Standard for Drilling
Chevron has set a new standard for directional drilling with AutoTrak®, a steerable rotary system. The system is controlled remotely by an aboveground operator who steers it by computer. The operator sends commands that direct the drilling operation and receives real-time log data about the oil-bearing rocks. This enables the drilling tool to be steered in even the most complex drilling environments.
Case in point: When the Captain Field was discovered in 1977, it was estimated to contain more than 200 million barrels of heavy crude oil. But despite its rich reserves, this U.K. North Sea field was deemed uneconomical to develop.
Fast-forward 20 years to 1997. With advancements in technology that made drilling long-reach horizontal wells an option, the first of three development phases for the Captain Field was launched, with the initial production phase beginning that year.
Now in its third phase, the field's reservoirs have seen some notable "firsts" over the course of their development. Among these was a previously untested well design — a high dogleg directional well that turns and twists through a spaghetti junction of horizontal wells to reach its target: the previously inaccessible crude directly below the drilling platform.
In the summer of 2004, AutoTrak® was used to drill and complete the first semihelical well, which enabled it to steer precisely in and around 15 existing wells. It proved the viability of precisely steering a complex profile in a difficult drilling environment with very little margin for error.
AutoTrak® is just one example of the ways we are continuing to push our technology forward to safely find and produce oil and gas in remote, geologically complex areas.
Improving Operations
Even as we find and start to produce from new wells, we still work to find ways to improve production efficiency. In addition to preparing new oil and gas wells for production, drilling teams also help to revitalize existing wells. This process involves repairing or stimulating the well — such as replacing the tubing or deepening the well — to restore or enhance its production of oil or gas.

Minggu, 03 Mei 2009



1. Latar Belakang Masalah
Di abad 21 masyarakat dunia telah dicemaskan oleh kenyataan, bahwa cadangan sumber daya energi primer minyak bumi cadangannya telah semakin menipis. Kenaikan harga minyak dunia di atas angka kritis US$ 55 per barel yang terjadi sejak april 2005 sangat merisaukan karena memberikan dampak yang sangat luas terhadap stabilitas ekonomi, politik dan keamanan di berbagai negara, tidak terkecuali Indonesia. Beberapa negara tetangga bereaksi terhadap hal ini dengan cara menaikan harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM). Sehingga faktor eksternal ini tidak dapat dihindari lagi. Mitos bahwa negara Indonesia kaya akan minyak harus sudah disingkirkan. Masa-masa keemasan tersebut harus segera berlalu. Di satu sisi pertumbuhan konsumsi BBM semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun yang disebabkan oleh peningkatan jumlah penduduk, semakin membaiknya standar hidup masyarakat serta meningkatnya kegiatan industri. Akan tetapi disisi lain Indonesia sebagai salah satu anggota OPEC tetap harus memenuhi standar kuota OPEC untuk terus melakukan bahkan meningkatkan ekspor minyak mentah.
Sebagaimana diungkapkan oleh Staf ahli menteri ESDM Prof. Dr. Hardi Prasetyo,APU (BBMWatch Journal:2004) bahwa “Kenaikan harga minyak dunia tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh aspek fundamental pasar, namun juga faktor non fundamental yang terkadang justru tingkat sensitifitasnya lebih tinggi”. Faktor fundamental diantaranya yaitu adanya peningkatan konsumsi yang signifikan akibat tingginya pertumbuhan ekonomi Cina dan Amerika. Hal ini memberikan dampak pada peningkatan permintaan (demand) minyak dunia lebih dari yang diperkirakan . Faktor fundamental lain adalah belum stabilnya produksi beberapa negara produsen utama OPEC (Irak, Nigeria dan Venezuela) akibat berbagai masalah politik internal . Sedangkan faktor Non fundamental yang mempengaruhi tingginya harga minyak adalah berkaitan dengan ketidakpastian situasi geopolitik terutama di kawasan Timur Tengah, adanya spekulasi pasar dan tingginya biaya produksi minyak mentah.
Total Ekspor Minyak Indonesia
Tahun 2000-2005
Tahun Ekspor
(Juta barel)
1995 47,45
1996 50,19
1997 56,30
1998 50,37
1999 51,24
2000 55,41
2001 57,37
2002 59,17
2003 64,11
2004 67,79
2005 59,56
(Sumber : OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletin 2004)
Berpijak pada latar belakang di atas tentunya masalah penurunan ekspor minyak mentah di Indonesia ini sangat penting untuk diteliti. Untuk itu penulis tertarik untuk menganalisis lebih jauh tentang penurunan nilai ekspor minyak Indonesia dengan faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhinya. Selengkapnya judul penelitian yang akan penulis angkat adalah “PENGARUH HARGA MINYAK DUNIA (OPEC BASKET-11), BIAYA PRODUKSI (PRODUCTION COST), TARIF EKSPOR MIGAS DAN KEBIJAKAN KUOTA OPEC UNTUK INDONESIA PERIODE 1995-2005”

2. Rumusan Masalah
Rumusan masalah yang ingin dijawab dalam penelitian ini adalah :
1. Sejauhmana pengaruh harga minyak dunia (OPEC Basket-11) terhadap ekspor minyak mentah Indonesia tahun 1995-2005?
2. Sejauhmana pengaruh biaya produksi minyak mentah terhadap ekspor minyak mentah Indonesia tahun 1995-2005?
3. Sejauhmana pengaruh tarif ekspor migas terhadap ekspor minyak mentah Indonesia tahun 1995-2005?
4. Sejauhmana pengaruh kebijakan kuota OPEC untuk Indonesia terhadap ekspor minyak mentah Indonesia tahun 1995-2005?
5. Sejauhmana pengaruh harga minyak dunia (OPEC Basket-11), biaya produksi, tarif ekspor dan kebijakan quota OPEC terhadap ekspor minyak mentah Indonesia tahun 1995-2005?

3. Manfaat Penelitian
• Manfaat Teoritis
1. Secara teoritis dapat menambah kedalaman dan keluasan ilmu ekonomi yang berkaitan dengan bahasan yang diteliti khususnya perkembangan ilmu ekonomi internasional mengenai harga minyak dunia, biaya produksi, kebijakan tarif dan kebijakan kuota yang ditetapkan oleh OPEC.
2. Selain itu, dapat memberikan sumbangan pemikiran bagi keterkaitan antara ilmu ekonomi dengan pengelolaan energi sumber daya.
• Manfaat Praktis
1. Sebagai umpan balik bagaimana harga minyak dunia, biaya produksi, tarif migas dan kebijakan kuota dapat mempengaruhi ekspor minyak mentah Indonesia.
2. Dapat dijadikan bahan informasi bagi pihak-pihak yang terkait dengan masalah yang diteliti serta bagi masyarakat yang membutuhkan informasi mengenai energi minyak bumi.

4. Hipotesis
Hipotesis adalah anggapan dasar terhadap suatu masalah. Berdasarkan perumusan masalah di atas, maka dalam penelitian ini hipotesis terdiri dari dua yaitu hipotesis mayor dan hipotesis minor.
Hipotesis mayor adalah hipotesis induk yang menjadi sumber dari anak-anak hipotesis. Sedangkan hipotesis minor adalah hipotesis yang dijabarkan dari hipotesis mayor, oleh karena itu harus sejalan dengan hipotesis mayor.
1. Hipotesis Mayor
Harga minyak dunia (OPEC Basket-11), biaya produksi (cost production) minyak mentah, tarif ekspor migas, kebijakan kuota OPEC untuk Indonesia baik secara parsial maupun secara simultan berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap Ekspor Minyak Mentah (Crude Oil) Indonesia.
2. Hipotesis Minor
Adapun hipotesis minor dalam penelitian ini adalah :
1. Harga minyak dunia (OPEC Basket 11) memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap ekspor minyak mentah (crude oil) Indonesia.
2. Biaya produksi (cost production) minyak mentah memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap ekspor minyak mentah (crude oil) Indonesia.
3. Tarif ekspor migas memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap ekspor minyak mentah (crude oil) Indonesia.
4. Kebijakan kuota OPEC untuk Indonesia memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap ekspor minyak mentah (crude oil) Indonesia.

Pengoperasian Blok Cepu Memberikan Manfaat Besar Bagi Indonesia

Split atau bagian pihak nasional dalam pengelolaan Blok Cepu, menurut Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Purnomo Yusgiantoro mencapai 93,25 persen atau mayoritas. Split sebesar itu dicapai pada perhitungan harga minyak mentah diatas 45 dolar AS setiap barel.
’’Rinciannya 85 persen bagian pemerintah, 1,5 persen untuk BUMD dan 6,75 persen untuk Pertamina. Sedang sisanya sebesar 6,75 persen untuk ExxonMobil,’’ ujar Menteri ESDM Purnomo saat Rapat kerja dengan Komisi VII DPR RI, Senin (20/3) malam. Oleh sebab itu pengoperasian Blok Cepu akan memberikan manfaat besar bagi pihak Indonesia.
Pengoperasian Blok Cepu menjadi perhatian publik menyusul berkembangnya opini bahwa pihak Indonesia dianggap tidak memegang kendali terhadap pengoperasian Blok Cepu. Pandangan ini tidak benar mengingat bahwa seluruh kegiatan pengembangan lapangan di blok dengan kandungan migas cukup besar tersebut tetap harus dengan persetujuan BP Migas. Rapat Kerja itu sendiri mendapat perhatian serius dari kalangan anggota DPR. Sebanyak 45 dari 51 anggota Komisi VII DPR-RI hadir pada rapat yang dipimpin langsung Ketua Komisi VII Agusman Effendi. Sedang Menteri ESDM didampingi para pejabat eselon satu, Kepala BP Migas serta Direksi dan Komisaris Pertamina.

Pada akhir rapat dicapai dua kesimpulan. Pertama, Komisi VII DPR-RI meminta Pemerintah untuk mengutamakan percepatan produksi migas dari Blok Cepu bagi peningkatan produksi dan penerimaan negara untuk sebesar-besar kemakmuran rakyat. Dalam kaitan itu Komisi VII DPR-RI meminta BP Migas untuk melakukan pembinaan dan pengawasan secara komprehensif dan intensif terutama yang terkait dengan cost recovery.

Kedua, Komisi VII DPR-RI meminta PT Pertamina (Persero) untuk mengembangkan strategi alokasi sumber daya yang dimilikinya guna memanfaatkan peluang yang ditimbulkan dengan adanya Joint Operation Agreement (JOA) dengan ExxonMobil bagi terwujudnya perusahaan migas nasional yang semakin sehat dan berkembang.